About me

I am large. I contain multitudes

– Walt Whitman.

Photo by my good friend Nick Kalisz.

This quote is one of my favorites as it beautifully articulates the complexities of human nature. We are all multifaceted beings, each with our own interests and ways of life. Here are a few of the things that complete me:

  • The Great Outdoors. Whether it’s a weekend camping trip in my local mountains or an extended adventure in nature, I always love spending as much time as I can outside.
  • Music. Since attending my first concert at 19, I have fallen in love with all things music. From attending live shows, to participating in critical analysis of songs and albums, to writing and performing my own works, music is an essential part of my life.
  • Photography. Using both film and digital mediums, I love the process of capturing a singular moment in time and sharing it with the world.   
  • Meaningful Storytelling. I’ve turned to stories to help give meaning and a voice to the things in my life that I couldn’t fully articulate at the time. It’s my goal to create stories that can do the same for others.

I’d love to know what excites you! Send me a message and let me know 🙂